How to find us.
We’re just a short, 30-minute drive from Seattle.
Please call or email us before coming to visit.
(425) 482-1057
Crystal Creek Farm
(home of Puppy Manners)
8902 222nd St SE
Woodinville, WA 98077
Hours (by appointment only)
To drive to Crystal Creek Farm from the North or South:
I-405 toward Bothell (Bothell is north of Bellevue/Kirkland and south of Lynnwood/Everett)
From NORTHbound I-405, take Exit 23, which is labeled: “SR-522 East to Woodinville/Wenatchee”
From SOUTHbound I-405, take exit 23A, which is labeled : “SR-522 East to Woodinville/Monroe”
Stay on SR-522 eastbound for about 5.5 miles until you come to a traffic signal on the freeway—this is NOT an “offramp” type of exit. There is an actual traffic light on the freeway!
Turn onto Paradise Lake Road east (which is the first traffic signal after you get on SR-522 eastbound)
Turn onto East Bostian Road south (which is the first street after you turn onto Paradise Lake Road—at the Shell gas station)
Turn onto 222nd Street SE east (which is the first street after you turn south on East Bostian Road—222nd only goes left because the freeway is on your right)
Turn onto first gravel driveway south at 8902 222nd Street SE (the first driveway on your righthand side after you turn onto 222nd Street SE)
Our location is on the lefthand side at the end of the drive.
Don’t get off SR-522 in Woodinville—keep going about 5.5 miles (on SR-522 eastbound like you’re going to Monroe) up a long hill and down the other side. A lot of people make the mistake of getting off SR-522 at the Dairy Queen exit. Fight the urge to do that. Keep going on SR-522 until you encounter a traffic light on the freeway.
Paradise Lake Road is not an off-ramp exit. It is a traffic light on the freeway. And, it is the first traffic light you will encounter after getting on SR-522.
East Bostian Road parallels SR-522 on the east side of the freeway. After you turn onto Paradise Lake Road, you only travel a very short distance, like 200 feet, before you turn right (south) onto East Bostian Road. It’s a very short distance from SR-522 to East Bostian Road.
222nd Street SE is only 0.4 of a mile down East Bostian Road. It is the first street you come to and you can only go one way on it—east.
After turning onto 222nd Street SE, our driveway is right at the corner of the south side of the street. You won’t even get your car turned all the way and you’ll have reached our driveway! You’ll know it’s our gravel driveway by the Invisible Fence® sign. It’s a white sign with a big, beautiful golden retriever on it.
Drive SLOWLY all the way down the gravel driveway until you come to the end; the driveway forks. Take the left branch of the fork onto Bark Ave and you’ll have arrived!